Scientific Name:
Antidorcas marsupialis cuprea
A medium sized gazelle. The Copper Springbuck is not a subspecies, but a colour phase of the South African Springbuck. Copper Springbuck were developed by selective breeding. Gregarious; usually forms large herds. There are mixed herds, bachelor herds and territorial males. Mixed herds split into nursing herds and new bachelor herds during the lambing season. Territories are maintained by showing-off displays and marking with dung heaps; territories are not occupied for the full year.
The colour of the skin is that of a dark copper colour with a darkened stripe running down the flanks with a very dark face. The skin fold on the back is usually closed but when the animal becomes excited, it thrusts it open fanning a length of stiff dark hair. Horns: Both sexes have horns.
Both a grazer and a browser. Feeds in the early morning and late afternoon.
INTERESTING HUNTING NOTES: The Copper Springbuck forms part of the four Springbuck colour variations. The Copper Springbuck usually ranks # 3, behind the Common Springbuck, in body and horns of the four variations. It is the newest colour phase and a very sought after trophy for the serious collectors. A wild animal very similar to its cousin the Black Springbuck. The trophy quality lies within the width of the basses, the overall length and the hooks/curls on the tips. A great trophy to hunt while on safari and a must for any collector interested in collecting all four Springbuck color variations.
- Ave Age of Mature Rams: +/- 4 Years
- Ave Weight of Mature Rams: +/- 65 Pounds
- Hunting Permit Required: Hunting License.
Open dry grasslands and Savannah. Avoids mountains, woodland and tall grass.